Do you have anything to be grateful today?

One of the big challenge of the human begin is positive thinking, but with all this poor and bad information we receive it seems a little difficult isn't?

How to think that the things will get better if you open your site news and see this sad video?

Ok, was just a joke, the video is really cute :)

One of the things that I do daily and I do believe is a way do keep my harmony and my positive thinking is be grateful, YES! Be grateful for everything I have and everything that I will have.

This is a simple attitude but really powerful, because instead you focus in your lack you are grateful for what you have today. This creates a feeling of abundance instead of lack.

Be grateful for your breakfast, for your transportation that brings you to your work, school, despite the problem that you have with traffic, or full subway, bus...

Be grateful for simple fact in your day.

Today for example I'm grateful for the beautiful day and blue sky here in Sao Paulo/Brazil. :) Are small things, but as I said makes you feel better, doesn't matter your situation, what you have or what you do not have, focus in what you do have and be grateful.

This is an attitude so powerful but we often forget, make it a habit and you will see how your lifestyle will change dramatically.

With Love

Luciana Aflitos J