It's all about LOVE.

How many times we stop to look at the sky?
How often we stop to listening the birds singing?
How often we notice the smileof a kid?

We live in a world so in a rush that we forgot the small beautiful things that we have around us, a simple plant can give us a energy and make us moving forwards ours days smoothly.

I know that some of the people may think, I don't have time to do those kind of things!
I even like nature! thats ok, but how often you do things that you really enjoy?
This can be listening one song that you like, watch a movie that you like, talk to someone that you like, hug someone that you like.

If you think, we start our day with bad news on the radio, on the television, on the newspaper.

Everything goes crazy!

Murder, robbery, terrorist attacks, all kind of bad information, of course we do have good information as well, but the bad ones is one of those who stick in our mind, and make us start the day, full of bad things is our minds.

So, one thing that I suggest is watch the news but choose the information that you want keep in your mind, one thing that you can do is send good though for the situation, good energy for that terrorist attack, for the family that is suffering, for the country that is at war.

I prefer newspaper because I can choose what is good to read, and if I see a bad subject I just send good though for the situation.

Yes my friend you have good energy with you and you can send this for free. ;)

Start your day full of love, share your love with your friends, co-works, family, always look the good side of a bad situation.

I do this all the time and always work, not because I'm special, but because I do with love.

Because the sun always can shine after a storm.

You are not alone in this world, you have a beautiful power inside you, and when you use this for good, good things happen.

Everyday do things that you love, for more simple that this can be, for me for example is listening music and dance, this things fills my day and make me truly happy.

I don't need go to a pub everyday to listening music, I can do this at home ;) 

Think today one small thing that you love to do…

Have a AWESOME day!



Luciana Aflitos


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