The meaning of friendship

When we do a favor or offer a shoulder to a to a friend without charge nothing in return we can be surprise, because many times the help can come when we least imagine or better when we most need.

We pass all our lives seeking material goods and individual pleasures that we forget the importance of a open talk with that special friend. When we learn recognize people by heart we can be surprise.

Many times we bother to spend an image that everything is fine, even in that moment that we most need that we can never know what our friends have to offer.

We must to rescue that healthy conversation that we forget most of the times.

A friend is that person that will help you least expect.

A angel friend help me today in a way so beautiful that I have to say thank him.

Fred, many thanks my friend.

Open you heart to your friend and family, share your ideas and desires, they can help you. They don’t know what you need until you tell then.

God Bless you.

Xoxo J

Luciana Aflitos


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